Kitchen Design in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Surprise, AZ & Nearby Cities

Designing a small kitchen can be challenging, but with the right ideas, you can make the most of the available space. Sunset Tile & Bath provides kitchen design in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Surprise, AZ, Peoria, AZ, Glendale, AZ. 

Here are five kitchen design ideas for small kitchens:

  • Optimize storage: Maximize storage space by utilizing every nook and cranny. Install tall cabinets that reach the ceiling to make use of vertical space. Incorporate pull-out shelves, hanging racks, and magnetic strips to organize utensils and cooking tools. Consider using multi-functional furniture, such as a kitchen island with built-in storage or a dining table with hidden compartments.
  • Light colors and reflective surfaces: Light colors create an illusion of space and make a small kitchen appear larger. Opt for light-colored cabinets, countertops, and backsplashes. Additionally, incorporate reflective surfaces like glass or mirrors to bounce light around the room and create a sense of openness.
  • Open shelving: Replace some upper cabinets with open shelves to give the kitchen a more spacious and airy feel. Open shelves not only provide storage but also display your kitchenware, adding a decorative touch. However, make sure to keep the shelves organized and clutter-free for a visually appealing look.
  • Compact appliances: Choose compact and slim appliances that are specifically designed for small kitchens. Look for narrow refrigerators, slimline dishwashers, and space-saving cooktops. Consider combining appliances, such as a microwave with a convection oven or a washer-dryer combo, to save space.
  • Smart organization: Make use of clever organization solutions to maximize efficiency in a small kitchen. Install a pegboard on the wall to hang pots, pans, and utensils, freeing up cabinet space. Use stackable containers and labeled jars to keep pantry items organized. Magnetic spice racks or hanging baskets can also be attached to the inside of cabinet doors to save space.

Remember, in a small kitchen, every inch counts, so be strategic with your design choices and prioritize functionality and organization. Please call us. 

American Creative

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